
Confronting Heresy
(Acts 使徒行傳15:1)

English translation version

Elder Joseph Chan 陳祖貽長老

Acts 15 is often misunderstood as the first ecumenical council to decide church doctrine and regulate Christian life. However, there has never been any dispute between the leaders of the church in Antioch and the leaders of the church in Jerusalem on the doctrine of salvation by grace and not by works. The mission of Paul and Barnabas was to tell the Jerusalem church that there were people from there who went to the church in Antioch to spread heresy. The problem was resolved by the Jerusalem church affirming the revealed truth and disowning those who spread heresy.

Speaker - 講員 Elder Joseph Chan - 陳祖貽長老 Eng Trans Vers
Sermon Text Acts 使徒行傳15:1 (20220515PM)